Saturday, August 31, 2019

Clara Barton

Clara Barton was a true pioneer and humanitarian. She is a well known woman in American history due to her participation in the Civil War and her founding of the American Red Cross. She became a teacher at a time where most teacher's were men. She was one of the first woman to ever be hired by the Federal government and was an inspiration for all women during her lifetime and forever after NATURE Clara Barton loved nature through her natural ability to nurture. As a very caring and giving women she looked to helping anyone and everyone around her. â€Å" The conflict is one thing I've been waiting for.I'm well and strong and young†¦.. young enough to go to the front. If I cannot be a soldier, I'll help the soldiers†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (http://womenshistory. about. com/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm) This quote gives a better understanding on Miss Barton's views of the world around her. She cared for these men that fought so valiantly and brave. She wanted to do anything s he could to help. Clara began her civil war service by providing supplies to the troops. Showing her natural ability to nurture, she personally cared for the troops who needed nursing services.Her views on nature were to save as many lives as possible. Without sustained life, we would not have any nature to appreciate. She made sure that would continue with her self sacrificing decision to help wounded soldiers on the battlefield. This can also be seen with her founding of the American Red Cross. SUPERNATURAL â€Å"Your belief that I am a Universalist is as correct as your greater belief that you are one yourself, a belief in which all who are privileged to possess it rejoice†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (http://www. uuquincy. org/projects/stamps/14clarabarton. htm) A quote from Ms.Barton in a letter to her friend in 1905 about her beliefs throughout her life. Her parents raised her to believe in Universalism. As a child she attended the Universalist Church in Oxford, Massachusetts. Alway s keeping faith with her church she wrote â€Å" In this church I was reared. In all its reconstructions and re modelings I have taken a part, and I look anxiously for a time in the near future when the busy world will let me once more become a living part of its people, praising God for the advance in the liberal faith of the religions of the world today, so largely due to the teachings of this belief†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. http://www. uuquincy. org/projects/stamps/14clarabarton. htm) As a universalist, Miss Barton believed in a universal salvation who welcome all and respect individual beliefs. UNIVERSE Considering that Clara was a Universalist by religion, It is only fitting that her thoughts on life are opened by the possibilities of the Universe itself. Universalism believes that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion†¦. thus leaving a persons relationship between themselves and their surroundings an open book.This unique point of view about life allowed her to follow what was in her heart and mind. Believing in the search for the truth, there were no ties to one specific point of view but instead an open state of mind that allowed her to focus on the things that she cared about, helping those in need and being there for everyone who needed her. TIME Miss Barton's time while she was alive was well spent. From teaching at the age of 16 to becoming a civil war nurse at the age of 40, her time was always filled with something for to do.Even as a child she had a need to be needed. If she was not busy, she would become depressed. Thus, she tended to and did whatever she could to stay busy and keep her mind from falling into the darkness of depression. As a teacher she was able to mold young minds and keep herself busy, yet it was not until the civil war that she was able to put her time and nursing services to use. A time line from 1861-1865 allows us to see how she was able to provide relief to the many wounded i n the civil war. April 1861 in Washington D. C. Miss Barton assisted soldiers wounded in Baltimore, Maryland August-September 1862 in Virginia – She attended to the wounded in the second Battle of Bull Run at Manassas, Cedar Mountain, Chantilly, Harper's Ferry and South Mountain. September 1862- Sharpsburg, MD- Clara Barton brought much-needed medical supplies and attended to the wounded during and after the Battle of Antietam. December 1862 in Falmouth, VA- She attended to the wounded from the Battle of Fredericksburg. April-Dec 1863 in Hilton Head and Morris Island, S. C. She transferred from VA to be closer to her brother David, a U. S. Army Captain. There she established hospitals for the wounded from the Battle of Fort Wagner and distributed supplies to Union soldiers after the battle at Charleston. May-Jun 1864- Fredericksburg, VA- She attended to the wounded of the Battle of Spotslyvania Court House and the Battle of Cold Harbor. June 1864 – January 1865- Anders onville, GA – Assisted in the identification of graves for missing soldiers at the former Confederate prison. At the conclusion of her work, the site was dedicated as the first national cemetery.After the flag was raised in dedication of the national cemetery, Clara wrote â€Å" I ought to be satisfied. I believe I am. †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (http://chapters. redcross. org/atlanta/History/clara_barton. htm) Future events would prove the she was never satisfied unless she was responding to the call of human need. HUMANITY Clara Barton was born to assist. Even though as a child she was shy and timid, she quickly found ways of overcoming those obstacles such as teaching. â€Å" Child that I was, I did not know that the surest test of discipline is its absence†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. http://clarabartonbirthplace. org/site/? q=node/2) At the age of 16 she became a teacher in North Oxford, Massachusetts. Clara was and excellent teacher and was highly regarded for her ability to teach and produc e disciplined children without any physical punishment. â€Å" Show me a child well disciplined, perfectly governed at home, and I will show you a child that never breaks a rule at school†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (http://clarabartonbirthplace. org/site/? q=node/2) She spent most of her life teaching and enjoyed every minute of it but soon enough she was ready for an new challenge.At the age of 40, The civil war had begun and she was ready to take on the the challenge of whistling bullets and booming artillery all around her as she tended to the men in need of medical attention on the battlefield. â€Å" I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (http://womenshistory. about. com/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm) Clara Barton's humanity is clearly shown by her courageous actions on the battlefields of the civil war. FATE I have an almost complete disregard of precedent and a fait h in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things always have been done†¦ I defy the tyranny of precedent. I cannot afford the luxury of a closed mind. I go for anything new that might improve the past†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. http://womenshistory. about. com/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm A quote from Clara Barton that describes in detail how she feels about fate and destiny. She feels that keeping an open mind will allow anyone the ability to see things clearly and not in black and white.As an avid supporter for an open mind, she believed that life would be what anyone could make of it. As stated at the end of the quote†¦.. â€Å"I go for anything new that might improve the past†, She is stating that as a people, we should look at our past mistakes and work for the better. Improving our livelihoods should be what living is for. There is no destiny or fate but only what we are able to do to help create a positive outcome. LAW â€Å" Everybody's business is nobody's business, and nobody's business is my business†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (http://womenshistory. about. om/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm) Clara Barton was a good negotiator at certain times but she was not at all shy about using the law to her advantage. Even with her basic understanding of law, Clara was able to negotiate her way onto the battlefields to help her fellow Union brothers. As head of the missing person's office that was established with the support from President Lincoln, she was the first women bureau head in the U. S. Government. She prided herself with that fact that not only did she respect all others but for the fact that others respected her greatly.Timelessly know as the â€Å"Angel of the Battlefield†, Clara Barton will always be remembered for her humanitarian efforts as well as her persistence and determination to help wounded soldiers during the Civil War. Countless lives were saved during that conflict and count less lives are saved today thanks to her founding of the American Red Cross. Clara Barton was one of a kind, she proved to the world what the labors of one woman alone could accomplish and she will always be remembered as an American Hero.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Science Assignment

To investigate whether the ripening of bananas will speed up when placed with already ripe bananas in a brown paper bag. Hypothesis: The brown paper bag and already ripe bananas will ripen the unripe banana quicker. Investigation Design: The control of the experiment will be a pair of two unripe bananas which will not have any interference with their natural ripening process until the end of the experiment. The independent variable will be the presence of ripe bananas in one scenario, as well as a brown paper bag in the second scenario. The dependent variable will be the ripening of the banana.Everything else, the room temperature, type of banana, etc, will remain common to ensure the experiment is valid and reliable. To increase reliability, the experiment should be repeated. Method: 1 . Collect six unripe bananas, four ripe bananas and a brown paper bag 2. Set one pair of unripe bananas on a bench/table 3. Set down a pair of unripe bananas as well as a pair of ripe bananas, alongsi de the first pair, making sure they are at least 1 Com away from the first pair 4. Set down the remaining four bananas (two ripe, two unripe) another Com away from the previous bunch; place these in a brown paper bag. 5.Take photos of each of your three bunches, separately 6. Record your observations in a table 7. Wait a day before repeating step 5 and 6. 8. Repeat step 7 until all bananas are ripe. Risk Assessment: Be careful where you Step, there may be bananas on the floor, or other obstacles. Be careful with the paper bag, this is to avoid paper cuts. The main component of the experiment is edible; keep family members and other observers away! Results: Daly – Friday 14th June Bananas were purchased and the experiment was set up. The ripe bananas came from the same hand, as did the unripe ones. The experiment will be conducted indoors.Day 2 – Saturday 15th June The unripe bananas in all three bunches have shown a slight change in color, they are becoming more yellow . The lone pair of unripe bananas are very slightly behind the other 2 bunches. Day 3 – Sunday 1 6th June Both bunches of bananas that weren't in the brown paper bag showed that they did ripen. The bunch of bananas in the brown paper bag did show a slight, but certain, difference to the others, they are ripening quicker. Day 4 – Monday 17th June The difference between the bunch in the brown bag and the other 2 bunches is starting to become more noticeable, although this is only by close analysis. Front, they are still all fairly alike. Day 5- Tuesday 1 8th June The brown bag bananas have shown a massive difference in their ends, not so much their middle parts. The others are ripening too, but not at the same rate. Day 6 – Wednesday 19th June The lone bananas are ripening naturally and are now a satisfying yellow. The mix of ripe and unripe bananas is very slightly more yellow than the first bunch. The bunch from inside the bag is ripe too, with the already ripe bananas beginning to rot. Day 7 – Thursday 20th June Within the week, the plain bananas have ripened quite well to produce a well pipe and ready to eat fruit.The next set of bananas is just as ripe; with the originally ripe bananas starting to rot (this may be simply due to natures course). The bunch from the bag are definitely more yellow, with the originally ripe bananas getting quite a few brown marks to show the beginning of them rotting. Day of Observation Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Bunch 1 (2 unripe bananas) Green (no change) Green slight yellow tinge Green -> yellow tinge Green -> almost completely yellow Green yellow except for each end Green yellow Green -> completely yellow Bunch 2 (2 unripe and 2 ripe bananas)Green and yellow (no change) -Green -s slightest tinge -Yellow haven't changed -Green -> yellow tinge -Green -> almost completely yellow -Yellow are becoming a darker shade of yellow -Green yellow except for each end -Yellow are slowly browning -Green -> yellow -Green completely yellow -Yellow are beginning to show brown dots Bunch 3 (2 unripe and 2 ripe bananas in a brown paper bag) -Green slight yellow tinge -Green almost completely yellow -Yellow are not beginning to brown -Green yellow except for tiny part on each end -Yellow are browning -Green yellow -Yellow are beginning to rot -Green completely bright yellow Yellow are now major brown and rotten Research and Analysis: RESEARCH When bananas are harvested they are placed in a ‘ripening room' to replicate the climate conditions of heat and humidity. These conditions are constant, much like those of my experiment. Due to the set temperature of these rooms, the bananas start to respire. The ethylene given off by bananas, as well as other fruits, helps to kick start the ripening process. This is somewhat like my experiment in the sense that the brown paper bag was holding the ethylene in. This ethylene may have also effected the second bunch, although to as much be cause they did not have a bag to confine the ethylene in. The natural ethylene of bananas is the same as the ethylene artificially produced in these ‘ripening rooms.To delay ripening may remove ethylene gas, which cannot be completely done as they do contain ethylene. Placing a banana alone may help support the delay of ripening it; this is much like bunch 1 in my experiment. Even though it was indoors, the varying temperature made the ripening process differ to that of a temperature controlled room. Although this may replicate bananas ripening in a natural way to an extent. ANALYSIS Strengths: The experiment contained a control which helped with comparisons. All the controlled variables were kept the same. The 3 bunches allowed more conclusions to be made about the effects of not only a brown paper bag, but also the presence of other bananas.The photos were taken at the same time of day, to increase reliability of results. Weaknesses: Naturally, bananas ripen under sunlight, which we did not carry out. Only color, not taste, was assessed as an indicator of ripeness. The bananas may not have been sufficiently spaced to properly isolate them from each others' paving off of ethylene gas. Comments: The already ripe bananas showed a more noticeable change, which was not expected. The bananas ripened quicker than expected, which made the experiment have a shorter duration time. The difference between the three different bunches was not as significant as I expected. Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis, and the research also backs up this.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Strategic Management Portfolio Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Management Portfolio - Case Study Example The company's unswerving concentration and consistent strategies on its retail activities are also noteworthy and undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the company's stellar performance records over the years. (Micha Gisser and Raymond D. Sauer) Nonetheless, Thorntons needs to keep tabs on its competitors at the top level. There is no mention of the margin of lead between Thorntons and its competitors whose performances are better than that of Thorntons. The company needs to put together its act on horizontal integration too. In the current market scenario of mergers and acquisitions, if aggressive policy of horizontal integration is not in place, the company is in danger of having the rug pulled from under its feet. And the threat is not always from the top players. The global economy is full of eyes waiting in the wings like a hawk to scoop down on its prey from unexpected regions. (Globalization Challenge) The company also needs to exploit its in-house manufacturing resources. There is no mention if this supply base is allowed to cater to competitors' requirements. Thorntons is sourcing some of its products from outside suppliers. Hence, it makes business sense to allow part of its manufacturing activities to be used to meet competitors' needs. (Michael Porter's Five Forces) Thorntons' strength lies in its popular brand name which it has assiduously built over the years. Its hold over its product ingredients, market maneuverability based upon differentiation, marketing and manufacturing expertise, influence over retailers and customers, ability to secure outlets at key locations, and traditional family ownership, albeit professional management policies play key roles in Thorntons' market presence as a worthy entity. The company has also done well in building up strong presence in Midlands and North England. Nevertheless, Thorntons must aggressively pursue its agenda in London and South England where its presence is vulnerable. There are strong contenders in the form of existing players such as Cadbury and Nestle, and potential competitors. The company has wisely invested in a strong in-house supply base in Midlands and North England. It can begin its marketing operations in London and South England on a stronger note to shore up its sales figures. It can supplement its inventories from its own manufacturing plants in Midlands and North England, keeping its options to begin manufacturing operations in London and South England as soon as opportunities unfold. (Carol Propper et al) Thornton must also begin its sales activities from its own retail outlets. Besides serving as deterrent to ever present threat from strong retailers and manufacturers as potential competi

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Valuation of Shopping Centers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Valuation of Shopping Centers - Research Paper Example rom the fact that investment behaviours in shopping centres have been changed due to dramatic progress in the retail industry of Germany and it can be explicitly understood from the fact that until 2011 Germans were dominating investors in the market. However, now German retail industry has largely attracted foreign investors accounting for 62% overall investment in the retail market. Due to the desired aim of maximizing profits, owners of retail properties hire professional companies to evaluate the properties accurately by taking different criteria into consideration. However this is a complex and difficult task, especially with high investments like shopping centres. The real estate crises has shown what impact wrong valuations can have. This is why it is important that the valuation process is done correctly and with caution. The aim of this paper is, next to an introduction of the shopping centre market, the general definition of shopping centres, the different classification types and the historic development, to answer the question what factors influence the market value of a property. In this context, the meaning of valuation will be discussed, followed by an analysis of different factors incluencing the value. In order to link the theoretcial approach with practical experience these factors will be anaylsed by means of project made during an internship at Jones Lang LaSalle in Frankfurt in summer 2012. Additionally, the project will be briefly described and the outcome of the valuation will be mentioned. Trends of shopping centres are continuously changing since the development of shopping centres’ phenomenon among masses. Researchers have suggested that with the passage of time and emerging technologies it has been noticed that trends of shopping and shopping centres are gaining much attention (Coleman, 2012, pp. 6-105). Business of shopping centres is successfully going with growing populations’ needs and increasing social awareness. Intellectuals

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Social Class and Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Class and Gender - Essay Example Question 1-Movie and Gender Gender issues come out clearly in the movie. The interactions between the various characters and the roles given to them bring out the gender relationships. Mrs. Tuohy is an extremely strong woman in the movie despite her being a female. She is also highly demanding as she heads her household and controls all the decisions made in the family. This portrays changing gender roles in the family, where women have gained ultimate control and ability to make vital family decisions. The changing authority and roles of women clearly comes out in the movie when Mrs. Demands that they go back and help Big Mike. She even offers him a place to sleep at their home (Lewis 18). In relation to the course materials from the gender lectures, Mrs. Tuohy shows that women have the capacity to give out orders just like men. On this regard, therefore, both genders should make decisions in their home. Men should not always dominate as the heads of households. No gender should be superior to the other; all should have equal opportunity and be accorded equal rights (Lewis 22). Mrs. Tuohy represents a typical modern woman, who does not heed to the traditions, which sidelined women and favored men. Her character and actions depict women who have the determination to challenge the status quo in the society. Question 2-Movie and Social Class The issue of social class depicts itself in the movie, with some characters having an elevated social status, while others appear to be in the low social stratum. Michael Oher belongs to the lower social status as his family cannot afford to cater for his education. For many years, during his childhood, Michael was under foster care with various families in Tennessee and Memphis (Lewis 30). He runs away whenever placed in a new home. On the other hand, the Tuohys can be regarded as influential and belonging to the upper social class/status. They live in a beautiful mansion. Besides, the friends of the Tuohy family have riches and property similar to that of the Tuohys. In relation to the lecture notes, the social prestigious status of the Tuohy and the lower social of Michael Oher depict the differences in social status. Further, this portrays the vast differences between the poor and the rich in the society. The rich, wealthy, and influential members of the society can be able to afford a luxurious and a happy, desirable life. On the contrary, the poor have difficulties affording to cater for the basic needs of shelter and education. The fact that the families surrounding the Tuohys have a lot of wealth depicts the existence of strong links and networks among the rich (Lewis 35). In the beginning of the Movie, Mrs. Tuohy nearly gets influenced by her friends, who discourage her not to adopt Michael. The Friends argue that the decision to adopt Michael would negatively influence SJ, Tuohy’s son. This shows how the wealthy view the poor as deviant and having undesirable morals. Moreover, when Mich ael goes back to interact with his family and friends, the community appears as poor African Americans who engage in criminal activities as gangs. Question 3-Movie and Race/Ethnicity Scenes from the Blind Side depict the relations that exist between the characters based on their racial and ethnic affiliation. The Tuohys, who belong to the white race, live a prestigious life, while Oher has gone through numerous challenges in life. Racial stereotyping is represented when the family friends

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nursing Cancer Patient Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nursing Cancer Patient Case - Assignment Example Osteoporosis is a chronic progressive metabolic disease of the bone characterized by low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of the tissue of the bones (Serota and Lane, 2006). It affects 16% of women and 7% of men above 50 years of age (Tenenhouse et al, qtd. in Targownik, Lix and Metge, 2008). The most dreaded complication of fall in this age group of people is hip fracture. Burt is 68 years old. Aging is a natural physiological process and there are many changes which occur in the various organs of the body. The common health problems frequently encountered in the elderly are altered response to medication, altered nutritional status, urinary incontinence, urine retention, fecal incontinence, pressure ulcers, mood disorders, dizziness, dementia and functional impairment, immobility and impaired gait (Nettina, 2006). Elderly people are more prone to falls and fractures, cognitive dysfunction, postural hypotension, electrolyte disorders, cardiac failure and polypharmacy. Burt needs to be given several medications because of his health condition. Pharmacokinetics of the aged is different and hence the effects of the drugs are more. The factors which contribute to altered pharmacokinetics are decrease in lean body mass and total body weight, increased percentage of body fat, decreased protein binding of drugs, increase in volume of distribution for lipophilic drugs that penetrate the central nervous system, decline in the metabolic capacity of the liver, decreased liver mass and hepatic blood flow, decreased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. There may also be changes in the receptor numbers, affinity, and post receptor cellular effects. Along with these, there are also changes in the homeostatic mechanisms (Tregaskis and Stevenson, 1990). Dementia is a haunting problem amongst elderly who frequently get admitted to acute care settings for other health problems. Due to dementia, proper treatment is difficult to institute.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Introduction to Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to Microeconomics - Essay Example One of the vital factors that have caused such a situation to happen is the lower level of harvest in Mexico. Mexico has been one of the major exporters of coffee beans to Brazil. Thus, fall in the amount of harvest of coffee in Mexico resulted in a shortage of supply of coffee for the domestic consumption in Brazil. Another important factor behind the shortage of coffee supply was the sudden call out for a strike by the truck drivers of Columbia. This strike lasted for about two weeks thus affecting the supply, in consequence, the export of coffee to a large extent. Increased amount of exports of coffee beans abroad is another factor behind the shortage of domestic supply. There have been huge sales of coffee at abroad in this month of February; while on the other hand, the level of demand of coffee domestically is expected to increase further, and thus, will aggravate the problem of rising prices further. As the economy experiences a boom in the market, Brazil has toped to break al l records as the export of coffee amounts to 2.7 millions of bags, equivalent to which, the consumption level of coffee rates to more than one millions of bags. The consumption of green and soluble coffee in Brazil is set to reach a limit of 6% in comparison to a record of 20.27 millions bags weighing sixty kilograms each.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Paper - Essay Example This is because as a potential customer, one desires to feel valued by the sender/company. An indicator of how much a company values its targeted clients is when it has exerted effort on getting correct details regarding the customer. Furthermore, addressing potential customers by their complete name adds the personal touch to the sales method that is often appreciated by the client. In line with rules of etiquette, getting customer details precisely signifies respect towards the recipient of the mail. In both cases, it is highly probable that I would purchase these products. Given my preference for convenience in handling my finances, I opt to use multiple credit cards for various purposes since I am pre-occupied with studies among other things. Thus, it is much easier for me to settle my bills through credit card and at the same time have funds on hand for my purchases. On the other hand, I have not come to the point of demanding pre-need plans and other insurance products. Probably in the near future I will realize the value of securing my future, my possession, and my loved-ones. For the meantime, I have not identified this product as a need. In this regard, I have not availed of life or medical insurance. The professional-looking promotional materials from the companies caught my attention since they, in a way, stand out from the rest of my mails. Apart from this, the catchy taglines printed on the elegantly designed envelopes have aroused my curiosity and persuaded me to open their solicitation. The mails looked promising and I felt that I might be mission on a perk or benefit that these companies offer if I failed to open the solicitation. 5. What differences or similarities do these companies use to try to make you buy the product Both companies offered tempting promos that go with purchasing their products. The difference lies in their approach. For instance, the credit card company was offering a chance to win a vacation package to a tropical paradise if I decide to avail of the credit card. On the other hand, the insurance company was granting substantial discount for the early birds who would purchase their insurance product package. Another difference is that the credit card company also had telemarketers to contact me shortly after I received the solicitation. In contrast, the insurance company provided an email address that I could write to in order to express my interest to have the brochure sent and its salesperson to get in touch with me. 6. What suggestions would you make to improve these direct mail pieces to have the consumer open them / have the consumer respond To have the consumer open the direct mails, these companies may consider offering freebies like small souvenir items or mailing the complete promotional kit that may perk up customer interest along with

Profane and anodyne language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Profane and anodyne language - Essay Example In other words, even to swear a person has to follow at least some of the rules for example subject predicate agreement. While indeed, some forms of swearing allow a greater freedom on grammar such as rejection of changes that occur when a verb is used in third person singular, but it is obvious that a sentence that contains profanity must be grammatically correct. The next obvious similarity between profane and anodyne language focuses on the use of historical grammar. Thus, the rules which were invented at a certain time are applied to all areas of the language, regardless of whether it is commonly used one or not. In addition to that, as grammatical rules change they are simultaneously projected onto profanity as well. In other words, these two areas of language do not develop separately. Finally, just like many aspect of grammar of anodyne language is conditioned by traditions, for example the forms of politeness, certain elements of profane language are conditioned by traditions as well. In other words, a particular nation in the course of its development did not only pay attention to one area of the language, but also was developing, maybe even unconsciously, a different area of it which is not commonly acceptable. Therefore, the peculiarities of grammatical usage of profanity are influenced by the same external cultural forces that influenced anodyne language. However, it must be noted that there are significant differences that can be identified between the above mentioned areas of language.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environmental Injustice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Injustice - Research Paper Example Environmental injustice can be termed as the unequal distribution of hazardous substances in the environment and the inequitable implementation of environmental laws. For decades, minority groups in the United States have always grappled with racially-based environmental injustices. Numerous reports and case studies have pointed out that the United States government is biased in its implementation of environmental laws and policies, particularly in connection with the disposal of toxic wastes. This report seeks to examine the relevance of inappropriate dumping of toxic wastes as an environmental injustice in the United States. Who is most affected by the dumping of toxic wastes in the United States? According to Massey, the government deliberately targets colored people in the construction of waste facilities and sanctioning of poisons and pollutants in areas occupied by people-of-color, such as Alabama, Texas, and South Carolina, among others (5). Industries in the United States pro duce high volumes of hazardous wastes, and due to their hazardous nature, these wastes should be disposed in storage and treatment facilities. However, these materials still have the capacity to affect nearby residents, especially in case of explosions, leaks, and accidents brought about by ineffective management policies by the government. As such, Bullard, Mohai, Saha & Wright state that most residents, particularly those with political, legal, economic, and technical power usually oppose the erection of such facilities in their locale (50). Unfortunately, people-of-color do not have such powers thus it is common to find these facilities in the communities occupied by colored people. It is, thus correct to allude that the tendency to construct waste management facilities in areas inhabited by people-of-color is a racial environment injustice. According to Kibert, the government analyses the risk of putting up waste management facilities in an area, by calculating the number of â⠂¬Å"acceptable† deaths that can be caused by exposure (172). It, therefore, begs the question whether it is more acceptable for colored people in the United States to die of exposure, considering that these facilities are mostly constructed in their locale. Effects of dumping toxic wastes near human populations In analyzing the effects that toxic wastes have on people who are exposed to these wastes, it is important to understand that â€Å"toxicity† is determined by the chronic effect that a substance can have on human health. People living in close proximity to facilities designated for the dumping of toxic wastes suffer from numerous health-related problems, occasioned by exposure to these wastes. For such communities, therefore, exposure to toxic substances leads to decline in health, which then translates to high mortality rates in the said populations. This means that there is a large discrepancy between the mortality rates of white American and colored Americans in as far as deaths related to toxic wastes exposure are concerned. One of the most dangerous effects of toxic waste contamination from Trichloroethylene (TCE), which according to Bullard

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Troubled Asset Relief Program Essay Example for Free

Troubled Asset Relief Program Essay When assessing the values of the proposed legislation, lawmakers knew that the bill was going to be very complex in that it is dealing with very difficult issues. The public was assured that much time and effort had gone into assessing these issues such as: â€Å"†¦fairness and equity, banking regulation, executive pay, job losses†¦moral hazard, 401(k) values, and the proper role of the state (Couch, Foster, Malone, Black, 2011). †After all things considered, it was realized that the motivation behind most cast votes was hardly as complicated as expected. In actuality, it was quite simple (Couch, Foster, Malone, Black, 2011). In November 2008, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson indicated that stimulating the market for consumer credit would be a major priority in the second allocation. December 2008, President Bush used executive authority to declare that funds from the TARP program be spent any way Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson deemed necessary to ease the financial burden. Mid January 2009, Paulson issued temporary rules for reporting and record keeping requirements under the executive compensation standards of the Capital Purchase Program. Paulson also announced a new set of guidelines disclosing conflicts of interest with TARP contracts. The Senate accepted the changes to TARP that regulated firms from paying out bonuses with TARP funding. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut proposed this amendment to the economic stimulus act. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was nationalized by the Federal Reserve and Treasury department, the world’s largest insurance company, AIG, was bailed out. This alone extended the insurance deposit to $3. 4 trillion dollars in money market funds for the government. Levinson, 2009) Then Paulson set out for the largest government save in history by buying out $700 billion dollars of contaminated securities from troubled banks. In Paulson’s original 3 page plan, Wall Street would have had uncontrolled access to public revenues at very little cost (Levinson, 2009). The original version was rejected by the House and then modified by the Senate (Levinson, 2009). Banks that were not in desperate need could make loans and supply liquidity was to get TARP funding. OneUnited Bank did not meet the requirement to receive the TARP funds. The bank was in trouble financially but was involved with two major legislators: Congressman Barney Frank from Massachusetts and Congresswoman Maxine Waters from California. These two served on the House Financial Service Committee as chairman and the third highest Democrat in seniority respectively. Waters husband at one point was a director at the bank. Waters had made investments with the bank and her husband had owned stock in the firm (Schmidt, 2009). Waters called the Treasury Department on behalf of OneUnited and the bank received $ 12 million in funds from TARP. This was made possible by a special provision written into the bailout. Wall Street Journal reporter Susan Schmidt explained, A provision designed to aid OneUnited was written into the federal bailout legislation by Mr. Frank, who is chairman of the financial services panel. Mr. Frank said he inserted the provision to help the only African-American owned bank in his home state (Schmidt 2009). The American financial system had changed over the last decade. Wall Street, an independent investment bank that relied on high leverage, is no more. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, what used to be the fourth largest investment bank in the United States has went bankrupt. On September 15, 2008 Lehman Brothers filed Chapter 11. This was caused by a massive exit of a large portion of its clients, major loss in stock, and depreciation of assets by credit rating agencies. Barclay agreed to purchase Lehman’s North American banking and trading divisions, along with the headquarters building in New York. All other Lehman Brothers franchise’s was bought out as well by Nomura Holdings (Levinson, 2009). An automobile task force was formed by President Obama that was chaired by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Larry Summers. Members of this newly created task force included: Secretaries of Transportation, Commerce, Labor, Energy, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, the administrator of the EPA, the director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change and lastly the chair of the Council of Economic Advisors. Stephen Rattner was selected to head the team (Shepardson and Trowbridge, 2009). Chrysler and GM were instructed to submit plans of restructuring to the group for approval. Rattner recognized the complication of the task and also that his team was inexperienced in the automobile industry. He said, â€Å"We’ve learned a lot about how car dealers work, and how companies get paid when they sell a car to a dealer, and why there are a certain number of dealers more than are optimal† (qtd. in King and Stoll 2009). Obama seemed pleased with the progress the group he created was making. In a radio interview Obama criticized Bush and his actions but praised his own efforts. Obama made reference to not just writing GM and Chrysler a blank check but holding these companies accountable for the funds they received. The task force had rejected the initial plan that Chrysler had submitted but accepted its revised plan. Chrysler filed Chapter 11 and as a condition closed 789 of its dealerships. A list of dealers that was subject to closure was sent out to all dealerships with a messaging stating: â€Å"With regret, this letter is to inform you that on May 14, 2009, we are filing a motion in bankruptcy court rejecting the Sales and Service Agreement (s) between Chrysler Motors LLC and the dealerships listed above† (qtd. n Valdez-Dapena 2009). Company officials realized that the decision to close dealerships, in particular those with franchises, was difficult but needed. The vice chair said at the time it was the most difficult decision in business that he had ever made. The criteria used to determine which dealerships was to be closed was never made clea r. The process was suppose to be a function of the numbers, data driven matrix assessed with a number of key metrics is the terminology used by Steven Landry, executive vice president (Shepardson and Trowbridge 2009). Dealerships owned by McLarty-Landers-Johnson were not closed even though they did not meet Chrysler’s performance data. Robert Johnson, former owner of Black Entertainment Television, is one of the firms owners and a major contributor to the Democratic Party. Mack McLarty, a former aide to Bill Clinton, is another owner. After this was brought to the public eye, accusations were being made that dealerships owned by individuals with ties to the Republican Party was becoming targets and would be closed (Shepardson and Trowbridge 2009). The Treasury Department made statements that the federal government had not played a role in which dealerships were set for closure. Chrysler officials made claim that it became clear that there was no wisdom in closing twenty five percent of its dealers and that it really was not their decision. Officials made reference that they were under pressure from the Obama task force (Shepardson and Trowbridge 2009). It is well known that most everything surrenders to pressure or political pressure to be more specific. Bureaus and agencies are no exception. Examples of such surrender have been noticed in IRS audits and enforcement activity, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency and by antitrust authorities. The noted influence of politics dates back to the Vietnam War (Couch, 2011). â€Å"Public-choice theory asserts that politicians are motivated by a desire for reelection and that this desire shapes which policies are pursued and how they are implemented (Couch, 2011). As a result of this desire to please voters, governmental policy goals are misguided. Their purpose is not to find a solution but instead to build a forum in which to base their next winning election. Other examples of political pressure include things such as Obama’s automobile task force, and governmental branches. â€Å"In short, politics trumps economics† (Couch, 2011). An investigation of the Chrysler dealership closing was done for the percentage of votes cast for Obama in each state. Electoral votes at state level and the number of congress persons in the House of Representatives for the dealerships district was used as additional measures for political influence (Couch, 2011). Also factored are the individual dealership characteristics, like profitability and level of customer service. If a dealership was located in a highly depressed area with high unemployment rates it would more than likely be closed (Couch, 2011). When all the facts had been put together it was evident that dealerships offering political support for Obama would remain open. This evidence was gathered at both state-level and dealership-lever. This would suggest that the Obama administration was more than just concerned with the long-term success of Chrysler, but was most concerned with protecting the Obama supporters from negative consequences (Couch, 2011). The US Treasury Department to buy preferred stock with funds from TARP within approved institutions earning a 5% dividend for the government. The plan was to stimulate the economy by making the right hand side of the balance sheet of the institution be matched with increased bank business loans. The institutions were being pressured by regulators to not increase or to reduce the liabilities of the assets. The economy in the United States has improved since the TARP was employed. The 2010 fourth quarter GDP had a 2. 8% growth (Gabby, 2011). The financial markets are signaling progress in the economy: â€Å"Between March 31, 2009 and March 31, 2011, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose approximately 62% from 7,609 to 12,320 and for the four largest banks JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup their March 31, 2011 vs. March 30, 2009 share prices were: $46. 10 vs. 24. 85 (+86%); $13. 33 vs. $6. 03 (+121%); $31. 71 vs. $13. 37 (+137%); and $4. 42 vs. $2. 31(+91%); respectively† (Gaby, 2011). The United States four largest banks had a combined total of $4. 8 trillion in assets as of March 31, 2009. If these four had failed the loss to tax payers would have been in excess of $2 trillion. TARP injected $239. 5 billion into roughly 35 financial institu tions and 23 of the institutions earned a 5% dividend. By the end of the October 2010 78% of the TARP funds had been repaid. If interest and dividends are included the percentage rises to 102% (Gabby, 2010). If the smallest of the four largest banks had failed there could have been theatrical to the US banking system and could have had global impacts as well. A modest benefit of the program was that CIT was able to continue lending to small firms during the bankruptcy filing and reorganization. The TARP provided brief support the US banking system and the global financial system. The modern administration has veered from the Constitution. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 created the Troubled Asset Relief Program. This was going to strip 200 pages of pork, tax preferences, and various oversights. Section 101 authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase troubled assets from any financial institution, on such terms and conditions as are determined by the Secretary† (Lawson, 2010). Troubled Asset Relief Program is a constitutional mess; many of the issues with it are common with the current administrative state. Congress did not have the power to enact the program. It violated the non-delegation doctrine. Both the President and Congress may have violated the Appointment Clause during the enactment of the program. Bush also exceeded his constitutional executive power when he implemented TARP (Lawson, 2010). The major issue with TARP is that there is no Troubled Assets clause in the Constitution. There are other clauses like the Bankruptcy Clause, Copyright Clause but not a clause authorizing the Congress to give power to the government to become a mortgage broker. Government buying mortgages and securities backed by mortgages in not a guideline of commerce with foreign countries (Lawson, 2010) The ability to spend in the Constitution comes from the Necessary and Proper Clause: appropriations of funds are laws necessary and proper for carrying into Execution other federal powers. But in the context of Troubled Asset Relief Program, one has to find some detailed power that is suitable to buy mortgages that can necessarily and properly carry into execution. The entire TARP venture was unconstitutional from the start (Lawson, 2010). We can look back on the financial situation and try to determine the central problem; global imbalances of savings or imports and exports, the Fed’s low rates, a housing bubble, subprime mortgages was not really the issue. In September 2008, the signature event of this financial crisis came to light. Short-term credit became frozen, inter-banking lending was froze as well as commercial paper markets. If panic had not occurred it is likely that economic contraction after the housing burst would have been no worse than a mild recession (Cochrane, 2009). The most current recession comes from the banking system not lending money and the normal way of doing business is almost extinct. The short-term credit crunch has ended. The recession now seems to be moving into recovery (Cochrane, 2009). Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for TARP, told the Center for Public Integrity that his office conducted 142 ongoing criminal and civil investigations. Over the past 2 years the SIGTARP has recovered approximately $152 million in stolen assets. The agency has also saved another $555 million through prevention of fraud. The office investigated the potential of fraudulent use of TARP funds at 64 financial institutes, from small banks to large banks (Hallman, 2011). Barofsky’s most prominent investigation has led to civil securities fraud charges last year against Bank of America Corp. ormer chief executive officer Ken Lewis. The charges were for not disclosing major losses at Merrill Lynch to shareholders. The complaints allege that the bank and its officers hid losses at Merrill in order to complete the 2008 merger of the two institutions, and that the defendants also lied to the government to obtain tens of millions of dollars in TARP funds (Hallman, 2011). From a business manager’s view a program like TARP allows for a company to be ran as poorly as possible and still stay in business. Programs like TARP allow for companies to be irresponsible and very loose with their money. In some cases TARP would allow a company to file Chapter 11 but still continue to function on a daily basis. To a business manager this would benefit him under many circumstances and allow for big bonus money to be paid out to upper management even if the company is not as profitable as it once was. Bailouts like the TARP allows for bad business practices to continue and managers to continue allow it. References Couch, J. F. , Burton, P. A. , Malone, K. D. , amp; Black, D. L. (2011). Government behind the wheel more a Matter of politics than of economics.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Uninterruptible Power Supply

Uninterruptible Power Supply In the United Kingdom over the past half century, the use of electricity has been increasing year on year (Figure 1). This increase in demand means that the supply of electricity is becoming more critical to the consumer and how much everyday life requires the use of electricity. Disruption to the supply can cause major issues and potential financial difficulty to many consumers who require a constant supply. Electricity disturbances can come in many different arrangements which affect the AC waveform and influence electrical loads in different ways. Common disturbances are shown in Figure 2 Depending on the criticality of the load devices can be placed between the supply and the load to eliminate these issues. Common devices used to eliminate disturbances are Uninterruptible power supplies Power Filters/Conditioners Different UPS systems can be used to eliminate disturbances through different configurations and setups. Power conditioners operate to illuminate certain aspects of the disturbances but wont eliminate disturbances like interruptions UPS systems can incorporate power conditioners to eliminate all these common disturbances to help give a constant supply for consumers. 1.1 Aims The principle aim of this final year individual project is to design and build an Uninterruptible Power Supply to eliminate interruptions up to 5 minutes. On failure of the supply, the system will pick up the load and continue to provide power until the main supply has returned after 5 minutes 1.2 Objectives Research and develop an understand of existing UPS configurations Design and build a standby UPS system including An AC to DC rectifier to supply an input to a DC Buck Charger A DC to DC converter to reduce input voltage to charge retrospective batteries A DC to AC inverter to make an AC voltage of 24V RMS An AC to AC converter to transfer between the duty and standby supply Develop an Arduino interface to control and display UPS parameters including Control of the switching of the DC to AC inverter Control of the AC to AC transfer switch Manual Control of UPS Display of UPS circuit position Voltage parameter readings for AC and DC AC load current and voltage readings Battery Temperature readings Evaluate UPS and discuss further work 1.3 Motivation The motivation for this final year project has come from time spent on placement at Phillip66 Humber Refinery working on the maintenance of primarily double conversion and rotary UPS systems. Through this experience, it has given an understanding of the systems and an interest to design and build a UPS. 2.1 UPS Configurations An uninterruptible Power supply is a system designed to maintain power or provide power when the input power fails or is disrupted. A UPS can be designed as a DC or AC back up, but most common UPS systems in the UK are designed to give AC because this is how electricity is supplied through the grid. [3] An AC UPS output can be produced using either a rotating machine (Rotary UPS) or a semiconductor based inverter (Static UPS). Batteries are the main energy source for both systems but for rotary systems, other rotating energy sources can be used. The UPS configurations as shown in Table 1 shows the different arrangements of a UPS 2.2 UPS Operation 2.2.1 Rotary UPS The rotary UPS generally consists of a motor and generator set but how these are configured depends on of the type of rotary UPS. Fixed Flywheel UPS (Figure 3a) [3] [4] Mains electricity operates an AC motor that is connected through a specially designed flywheel to an AC generator to produce an AC output. While the motor is driving the generator the flywheel rotates which stores kinetic energy.ÂÂ   When the main supply fails the kinetic energy in the flywheel continues to turn the generator for a short duration until another supply is provided by a backup generator. Battery backed (Figure 3B C) Mains electricity is converted to DC to charge a battery bank this DC is then used to operate a DC motor directly or through an inverter to an AC motor depending on the configuration. The motor is then directly coupled to a generator to supply the load. Diesel Backed (Figure 4) This UPS operates similarly to a flywheel UPS in normal operation an AC motor rotates a flywheel to store energy while a generator is producing power to the output. Instead of an external diesel generator set being used a diesel engine is coupled directly to the AC generator to produce power when the main supply fails. 2.2.2 Static UPS A static UPS generally comprises of a rectifier, inverter and a battery bank, how these are configured depends on the type of static UPS. Standby (Figure 5) [5] [6] In normal operation, a rectifier charges a set of batteries and the input is fed to the output through a transfer switch when the mains fails the transfer switch changes to take the supply from the batteries through an inverter. Standby-Ferro (Figure 6) [5] [6] This configuration is very similar to the standby UPS but has a ferroresonant transformer to reduce the time loss of power on a changeover from main to inverter supply, this transformer stores energy in a resonant circuit which supplies up to a half cycle of power to allow time for the inverter to start up and provide power. Double Conversion (Figure 7) [5] [6] In normal operation, mains electricity is converted to DC to charge the batteries which is then inverted back to AC filtered and supplied to the load. When power is lost the batteries supply the AC through the inverter. The static switch is used in the event that if the rectifier or inverter fails the load can be supplied directly from the load. Delta Conversion (Figure 8) [5] [6] In normal operation two converters are used to regulate current and voltage, the series converter is used to control current and a parallel converter to control the voltage. The converter operates to maintain a constant voltage and current output. When the supply is less than the load requires the batteries are used make up the difference. When too much power is provided the extra is used to charge the batteries through the bi-directional inverter. Line Interactive (Figure 9)[5] [6] In normal operation, the mains is supplied to the output while the bi-directional inverter is charging the batteries. When the main supply fails the inverter changed direction and supplies the load from the batteries. 2.3 UPS Comparisons To gain a better understanding of the UPS configurations and their capabilities a compassion was conducted as illustrated below (Table 2). UPS Configuration Power Rating Range (kVA) Cost per VA Efficiency Application Standby 0 0.5 Low Very High Interruptions Standby-Ferro 3- 15 High Low-Medium Interruptions Double Conversion 5-5000 Medium Low-Medium Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, Distortion Delta Conversion 5-5000 Medium High Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, distortion Line Interactive 0.5-5 Medium Very High Interruptions Flywheel Rotary 25-2500 Medium Medium to High Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, Distortion Battery Backed Rotary Medium Medium to High Transient, Interruptions, Sag/Swell, Distortion Table 2: UPS Configuration Comparison [5] 2.4 Project Reasoning A standby UPS system was chosen due to its low cost, its simplicity and because it covers a single disruption. This type of UPS is basic to remove loss of power and to bridge the gap between power loss and back up operation starting 3.1 Work Breakdown Structure and Network Diagram A WBS is a key project deliverable that organises work into manageable sections and is the foundation of any project plan. All the project deliverables are selected and organised into key areas of activity. [7] A network diagram shows the sequence of activities which are in the WBS in order of time, these are then used to develop a Gantt chart. The WBS (Appendix 9.2.1: WBS) separated the project into 5 main sections which were then subdivided to develop a network diagram (Appendix 9.2.2: Network Diagram) Research Design Programming Build testing Report/ Presentation 3.2 Project Plan A project plan was developed as a Gantt chart from the network diagram, the time scale for the project was set to begin in September and complete the development of the UPS by December. This giving two months before the deadline to complete final checks and adjustments. The project plan was reviewed weekly and updated as the progress of the project developed. 3.3 Monthly Reports A monthly report was conducted to record and document my project progress on a regular basis, each monthly report is attached in Appendix 2 Project Planning. This report involved a document of the work I had conducted the month before and also a plan of what I would be doing for the next month including a number of hours that would be spent. 3.4 Project Progress Review A PPR was conducted on Friday 2nd December by Dr Joe Cole this was designed as For the design and building of this standby UPS, it has been split into individual circuits to ease the understanding and to show the importance of each aspect of the UPS. The UPS has been divided as follows AC Rectification DC Inverter Battery Charging Transfer Switch Control of the UPSÂ   4.1 Bridge Rectifier (AC >> DC) 4.1.1 Calculation Theory An AC to DC converter is required to utilise the mains AC voltage to charge a set of batteries for use when the AC signal is lost. A rectifier circuit can be designed to utilise either full or half of the AC waveform, this can be achieved through the use of diodes or thyristors. Figure 10 shows the circuit configuration of a bridge rectifier which can use either component. The difference between using diodes and thyristors is the control over the voltage on the output, diodes give an output equal to the peak voltage of the AC waveform and thyristors voltage depends on the firing angle used to turn the thyristors on. To achieve a pure DC voltage filtering is required to remove the ripple of the sinusoidal waveform. Figure 11 shows how the DC can be filtered to give a pure DC voltage through the use of a capacitor. For this project, a constant DC voltage equivalent to the peak AC waveform can be used to supply the Buck Battery Charger because this will reduce the DC voltage to the required voltage to charge the retrospective batteries. For the purpose of this project, a diode full wave bridge rectifier can be used to supply 34V to the buck battery charger. 4.1.2 Simulation The circuit in figure 4.1.1 was modified to add a smoothing capacitor then it was built in Multisim as shown in Figure 9which gives the output as shown in Figure 13. 4.1.3 Building and Testing After simulation was complete the circuit was built on a breadboard so that its operation could be tested in practice before a PCB was designed. The practical testing is shown in Figure 14. It can be seen that the incoming 24V AC supply is changed to DC through the bridge rectifier which is shown as the peak voltage on channel 1 as 31.5 V DC Once the circuit was tested on a breadboard it was then produced on a PCB, this was soldered using the same components and tested to give the same results as in Figure 14. The PCB design and finished PCB can be observed below (Figure 15/16) 4.2 Inverter (DC >> AC) 4.2.1 Calculation Theory To convert the DC voltage stored in the batteries to make AC voltage a DC to AC inverter is required. There are three main types of DC to AC inverter which depend on the AC output waveform, these are square, modified sine and pure sine wave. The difference between the modified sine and the pure sine wave is that the modified sine rests on the 0 line for a small amount of time then either rises or falls whereas the sine wave goes straight through the 0 line. (Figure 17) For this application, a sine wave as close to the mains is required so a modified sine wave will be produced which will be filtered to make a sine wave. To change DC to AC an H bridge is required similar to that of an AC to DC converter. As can be seen in Figure 19 the switching of the H Bridge changes the current flow through the load and so creates AC. The issue with this circuit is that it will give an AC square wave, to adapt this to make a modified sine another bridge is required Figure 18to introduce a voltage step and make a multilevel inverter. Each bridge is use to add a square wave on top of each other so that an output Figure 20 can be produced. With an increase in H-bridges, this means an increase of switches and DC sources. The DC sources are required to make an AC RMS voltage equivalent to that of the mains input (24V RMS). The peak voltage of the AC waveform has to be matched by the total voltage of the DC, this means that a total DC voltage can be calculated by equation 1 which gives a value of 33.94 V. To achieve this voltage exactly through the use of DC sources would be hard so a voltage higher would be best through the use of four 9V or six 6V batteries used to get 36V, this would mean that by using six 6V batteries smaller steps are achieved but more bridges are required which would be more accurate than using 9V steps and having fewer bridges. To eliminate the repeated use of bridges a modified multilevel inverter circuit (Figure 21) can be developed to use 1 bridge and switch on each source as required so that switch numbers can be reduced from 24 switches to 10 switches. The reduction of switches can be observed through a comparison of the conventional and modified H-bridge. (Figure 21). For this inverter, it will be designed as a 13 level modified multilevel inverter which requires 8 control signals to switch on each 6V source and also to change the polarity across the load. 4.2.2 Simulation A 13 level modified cascaded inverter was built in Multisim using 8 pulsed signals that represent the signals obtainable from the microcontroller. This gives a modified sine wave output that is operating at 50Hz with a peak to peak of 72 V. 4.2.3 Testing 4.3 Battery Charger (DC >> DC) 4.3.1 Calculation Theory To charge the six 6 V batteries for the inverter and single 12-volt battery to supply the Arduino it is required to reduce the 34V produced from the AC rectifier to a suitable level for the retrospective batteries to charge. This is normally 1.15 times the voltage of the rated battery voltage which gives 6.9 volts and 13.8 volts which are confirmed in the datasheet for each battery. To reduce the DC voltage a chopper circuit is required, these can be categorised as either switched or linear, and to understand the characteristic a comparison of both is shown below [8] (Table 3). Linear Switched Function Can only reduce voltage Can increase or decrease voltage depending on design Efficiency As difference in voltage increases efficiency decreases High efficiency Complexity Low usually only requiring a regulator and capacitors Medium to high due to inductor, capacitor calculations Cost Low Medium to high depending on design Output Ripple Low Medium to high due to switching rate Table 3: Chopper Comparison [8] For best efficiency a switched inverter will be used, this is required to give each battery half an amp of current at 6.9 Volt and 13.8 volts. 4.3.2 Simulation 4.3.3 Testing 4.4 Transfer Switch (AC >> AC) 4.4.1 Calculation Theory An AC to AC converter is required to change the supply to the output between mains voltage and back up supply from the DC AC inverter. This type of AC converter works as a switch to turn either AC source on respectively when it is required (Figure 23), other types of AC to AC converter can be used to change aspects of the AC waveform but this is not required in this application. A contactor or a semiconductor device circuit can be designed to make this transfer switch, each of which has its advantages but for this project, a semiconductor device was used, the common devices use to make an AC AC converter are SCRs or thyristors. To utilise either device a double circuit of back to back devices is used so that each half of the cycle is seen at the output. (Figure 24). To prevent using 2 SCRs or thyristors back to back, a triac can be used to do this job instead. This means that the use of two triacs with a common output and separate inputs can be used as a transfer switch. (Figure 25) 4.4.2 Simulation To show the operation of the transfer switch 2 different AC signals of different frequencies are used to show the transfer. (Figure 26). When the control signal is supplied to Triac 1 the output waveform is shown as 25Hz but when the control signal is changed to Triac 2 the output changes to 50Hz. (Figure 27) To isolate the Triac from the microcontroller an optocoupler will be used so that in the event of a fault the microcontroller doesnt come in contact with the AC voltage 4.4.3 Testing The transfer switch was built on a prototyping board using two TIC246M Triacs which are then operated through two MOC3021 triac optocouplers, these use the AC signal to turn on each triac. To test the transfer switch a method similar to that of the simulation was adopted, but instead of using 2 different frequencies, 2 different phases where used then the output was compared to each to show that the transfer switch is operational. Due to the risk of shorting two phases if an issue occurred each side of the transfer switch was tested for operation individually. Once this was tested and operational the input signal for each phase was placed on channel 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope and the output positioned on channel 3. (Figure 28). This meant that as each triac was turned on it could be compared with the corresponding input to ensure the triac was operating as required. As we see below figure shows the output when triac 1 is operating and figure shows when the second is operational. When the transfer switch was tested and operational a PCB design was developed on circuit wizard, this also incorporated a CT to measure the output current and a bridge rectifier chip to take a reading of the output voltage peak voltage. These would be sent to the microcontroller to display.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Andy Warhols Rorschach Paintings

Andy Warhols Rorschach Paintings One of the most important and controversial Pop art icons in America and a major influence to artists around the world, known as The Prince of Pop, Andy Warhol brings an entirely new perspective to the art world. An initiator and leading exponent of the Pop art movement of the 1960s, Warhol achieved success as a commercial artist during the 1950s and steadily grew from their producing works from famous portraits to popular culture, shoes and advertising images ( Born Andrew Warhola in 1928, Warhol lived and grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during very hard times. Andy had contracted a rare disease at the age of 8 called chorea or St. Vitus dance, an illness of the nervous system that could have possibly proven fatal. He would later recover from the illness, but would gain a skin illness that would stay with him for the rest of his life. Son of a Slovakian immigrant, Warhols father was a construction worker who died in accident when Andy was only 13 years old (Artint During the years following his fathers death his siblings and classmates started to notice an early talent in drawing and painting. After high school Warhol decided he would study commercial art at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh and in 1949 graduated with a major in Pictorial Design ( After graduating he decided to move to New York where he found temporary jobs as an illustrator for magazines and for commercial advertising. From then on his career as an artist excelled and he became one of New Yorks most sought after and successful artists. He held his first one-man show exhibition in 1952 at the Hugo Gallery in New York and soon after became a famous figure in the New York art scene. Starting in 1978, following his sixteen year reign as the Prince of Pop, Warhol made an unexpected decision and decided to try his hand at abstract painting. Abstract Expressionism would be defined as artists who applied paint rapidly with force onto their huge canvases in an effort to show feelings and emotions, the works would release the creativity of the unconscious mind ( The style of the late 1940s and early 1950s was predominantly American and was characterized by its rendering of expressive content by abstract or non-objective means (Sayre 516). Andy Warhols Rorschach,1984 paintings are one of the most intriguing and captivating works of the early 1980s, they display his abstract work in the best Warholian style and cause the viewer to create an image out of their own imagination ( Richard 88-90). The immense Rorschach paintings are massive in scale and required a crew to produce them, a staggering 2010 and were achieved by pouring paint onto one side of the canvas, then folding the canvas down the middle and pressing the two sides together. In all their emptiness and derangement the Rorschach paintings are psychologically and emotionally charged. Warhol had created the series specifically so that the paintings could be analyzed. The ink blot appearance was first produced by Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss Freudian psychiatrist who developed them as a test, which in fact would elicit disclosure of a persons innermost feelings ( It was mainly used on people suffering psychological instability or disorder and even diagnosed mental patients. Always on the prowl for inspiration Warhol used these ink blots in his own works creating the Rorschach series. Warhol was especially interested in mass production, his claim to fame was caused by the use of his rare crea tivity in the visual arts that would be used in mass produced commercial items. Often considered a cousin of avant-garde art, Andys commercial art such as the soapbox covers, soup cans, plastic packing would create and turn the industry into a respectable bona fide art form. The Rorschach series would be an outcome of his earlier work and would also be mass produced. The works are seemingly complex, replete with irony and ornament, history and psychology, intuition and a lot of misunderstanding. Although Warhol showed deliberate ignorance toward the standardized blots of the official Rorschach test, he was obviously intrigued by their serial repetitiveness and formulaic impersonality. With an estimated 38 paintings total in the Rorschach series the immense canvases where not at all produced only with the dark black paint that many remember it for. Warhol experimented with a variety of colors, thus he came to be known for using color field abstraction. Color field paintings, a type o f abstract expressionism, were used by artists who were interested in the lyrical or unique atmospheric effects of vast expanses of color, causing the viewer to be immersed in a color environment ( Many of the famous paintings were bright red, gold and pink; he even created a beautiful mixture of the colors, mixing purple, red and violet, and in another blue, purple and pink in an amazing array to create something extraordinary and abstract. Lusciously colorful or dull black, the works were appealing to a wide range of audiences and would catch the viewers eye immediately upon entering any gallery. Warhol used one major technique in creating his infamous works, an unpopular and rarely used pour and fold technique to conjure up the fleshy physicality of kidneys or lungs ( particularly unique feature of the prints was that it contained no human touch, the paint was merely allowed to space and settle where ever on the canvas it pleased without any human interference or brushwork, this also would explain the variety of unique prints in the Rorschach series. The symmetrical networks of mainly thick Liquitex Acrylic paint distributed on silk screens created syrupy veins of paint that were easily identifiable and caused a unique distorted image each time. One arguable aspect of his work would also be that he never signed his work; out of all 38 paintings not one would contain his signature. One could say that Warhol was particularly fond of genital imagery, but others would argue that the Rorschach paintings not only represent Warhols demented mind, but contained images o f the devil and even death itself. Horrific atrocities from the gates of hell to a giant taunting mask, not all feedback was negative though, many saw completely opposite and positive imagery in the works, from royalty to giant vases, but no matter what the viewers imagination brought about, each canvas created a feeling that the work would engulf the spectator at any time (McShine 382-383). Warhol was said to have included iconography in his famous works such as the Rorschach series, some images might have been developed to represent something to him personally and to others something entirely different. Iconography would be defined as a pictorial representation of a subject, or the collection of images, or icons illustrating a subject ( He would mainly use it in his earlier works, self portraits of himself with skulls on his head as to depict his own death or murder. Warhols style of work in the Rorschach series was distinctly different from other great players of Pop Art during the era. Working on the subjects he loved and having a strict routine he would turn items of daily use into simplified yet intricate pieces of art. Warhol had worked on this series for a year, which gave him time and a chance to determine the end results. Most of his collection was never shown until after his death. Soon after the completion and major success of the Rorschach paintings, Warhol steadily moved on from his prized series and went on his final adventure in abstraction in 1986 ( Warhol would play around with camouflage and stretch out the work on canvases as large as thirty feet. He was so fascinated with the endless possibilities and variations of camouflage iconography that he would eventually add it as an incongruous overlay to some of his other series. He then left his so fond abstraction series to continue on with his career with his already popular self portraits and later on The Last Supper series ( From the day he left the calm environment of his normal work place and entered the very chaotic place of The Factory in 1962, he would mass produce silk screen prints and challenge the difference between high and low art to show the world that art can be found in everyday objects. Warhol would keep pushing the limits of art towards new boundaries that would drastically change the art we see around us today. Andy Warhol had made a permanent mark in the art world and had become a world renowned Pop Art icon. In 1987, the Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts was established in his honor and in May 1994, the Andy Warhol Museum opened in his home town Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ( Being a controversial homosexual man that he was with a bizarre personality, he was obsessed by the ambition of getting rich and famous and he knew exactly how he would achieve this from the very first day he stepped into the art world.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Epic Heroes Essay examples -- Hero Roland Siegfried Balian

Heroes may fall, but they are never forgotten. An epic is an enlightening story with its true purpose to portray a historical person or event. Epics centralize on concepts such as loyalty and valor, which were important to those of medieval times. Epics were not recorded for a long time after they actually occurred. An epic hero is an individual with phenomenal finesse and extraordinary abilities. They represented a culture's highest standards or values. A heroic flaw is usually the triumphant downfall of a hero. Most heroes are depicted to have a heroic flaw which shows their mortality or ephemerality, meaning they do not live forever or just a brief amount of time. Epic Heroes are thrust into greatness upon their birth, but it is up to them to fulfill their destiny. Roland was truly a brave and valiant knight. In the section read it begins as Roland, his best friend Oliver, and the rest of the French rear guard face the immense Saracen army. Roland is consistent and pretentious, many knights and warriors fought for honor and dignity. Roland although courageous and dari...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hamlet Diary :: essays papers

Hamlet Diary Act 1: 1st Entry; I am still in morn. My father's death came as to a shock to me. He was a great man who led and served his country well. He died of means, which are unknown, which leaves me curious on the manner. As I am soaked from head to toe in these inky-covered clothes, I sit and contemplate. It has been one month since and my father's brother; Claudius is to be wedded with my mother. Is it possible that my mother is finished grieving? I know that there is no time put on such a feeling, but one month! Can be true. Father was a good King; loyal, trusting and good at heart. Does my mother realize? Has she, herself been shocked with the tragedy that our family has encountered? And what is this about Claudius? I mean, his Brother! One month and these two are ready for the incest within marriage. Claudius is acting with haste. I do understand the position on which now lies upon him, but what I don't understand is how could they be already in love so soon after my very fathers death?! I shall keep my eyes open, as I keep these clouds above my head. 2nd Entry; My fathers back from the dead! Could it be true? Does my father lie in purgatory? Why does he lay unrest? Does Horatio speak the truth? He is such the scholar, but does his eyes deceive him? I shall go and look for my self! 3rd Entry; It is true! My father has chosen to show to warn me about the unfaithful deeds. MURDERED! Claudius, that swine. Plague upon him. With his murderous intentions, he shall feel the rage, which my father unleashes upon him. Is my mother blind to these intentions? To these actions? Is it true, that my mother and Claudius had adulterous relations before my father's death? I am now mad, for that will be the explanation which people will say in my defense. I will play insane, for people will expect such intentions of my revenge. My father's murder has now brought me to an unconscious state. When I seek revenge, it is merle just an act out of my madness. I must reveal his sinister-like actions. Revenge has to be wisely thought out. I will reveal Claudius, and kill him at the right time. I swear on my father's grave, I shall heed my father's commands. 4th Entry; Most foul, strange and unnatural. Claudius kills, for the crown

Psychoanalytic Approach to Little Red Riding Hood Essay -- Little Red

Psychoanalytic Approach to Little Red Riding Hood Although there are numerous approaches employed in understanding literature, the psychoanalytic interpretation most significantly attempts to utilize the symbolic mysteries of a work. In exclusive contrast to the formal approach, which focuses entirely on the wording, the fascinating aspect of the psychoanalytic investigation is that it searches for a purpose beyond that which is strictly in the text. By insinuating the existence of innate and hidden motives, it allows for a broad range of abstract and creative possibilities. When applied to Perrault's, "Little Red Riding Hood," it appropriately suggests evidence toward underlying sexual motivations and tensions. Additionally, this analysis unfolds a constant interplay between forces of the human psyche. Sigmund Freud pioneered the introduction of the psychoanalytical concepts behind his principle theory that all human behavior is primarily motivated by sexuality. Throughout Perrault's version of "Little Red Riding Hood," veiled sexual implications are in abundance. In fact, the moral suggests that the entire purpose of the story is to caution against the "smooth-tongued†¦dangerous beasts" which like to rob young ladies of their innocence. Likewise, the hungry wolf does not simply eat the grandmother. Instead, Perrault distinctly portrays that before consumption, "he threw himself on the good woman." And furthermore, before digesting the young girl, he invites her into bed. At which point, she "took off her clothes and went to lie down in the bed." After she thoroughly inspects and comments on nearly every aspect of the wolf's "big" body parts, the wolf then "threw himself upon Little Red Riding Hood" to consume ... ...l, she then goes into the woods to encounter the id. There she disobeys her mother's instructions, and becomes "the poor child." In the moral, these "pretty, nicely brought-up young ladies" turn "foolish" upon talking to strangers. As "elegant" as they were once considered, it is a child's own fault if she leans to far to the irrational id. Furthermore, Freud dramatically insinuates that this struggle can only end in death, which is the exact fate of Little Red Riding Hood. Despite the fact that the psychoanalytic approach is the most controversial interpretation of literature, it proves to be utterly intriguing. In stories such as this, the sexual undertones are clearly evident, and thus substantiate the intricacies behind the approach. Perhaps it is a bit untraditional. However, this investigation remains both thought provoking and brilliantly compelling.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

American Cancer Society Essay

Am I a patient, no. Am I a survivor, no. I am someone who has seen cancer through the eyes of others. An uncontrolled division of abnormal cells creates the cancer within the body (â€Å"What is Cancer†). More than 1 million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year (â€Å"Learn about Cancer†). An estimated 10,450 new cases and 1,350 cancer deaths are expected to occur among children in 2014 (â€Å"What are the key statistics†). The American Cancer Society is one of the greatest resources to turn to when cancer strikes. The American Cancer Society was founded in 1913 to raise the public’s awareness about cancer (â€Å"The Early Years†). With millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society saves lives and works to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. They do this by helping people stay well, get well, by helping support the findings of cures, and fighting back against the disease (â€Å"Who We Are†). It is imperative to fund basic research with the American Cancer Society because it saves lives. The American Cancer Society strives to help our society stay healthy by helping people take the necessary steps to prevent cancer or detect it early. Through the American Cancer Society Clinical Trials Matching Service, patients are connected with more than 64,000 different treatment options. Also provided is an online support community for cancer survivors and caregivers that have brought together more than 93,000 people since 2000 (â€Å"Online Communities and Support†). The American Cancer Society acquires results by investing in research that helps to understand cancer causes, determine how to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it (â€Å"Explore Research†). The American Cancer Society has several fundraising methods. The main fundraiser The American Cancer Society holds is a walk called the Relay for Life. This event takes place across the globe in different communities to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones, and fight back against this detrimental disease. The Relay for Life has varying meaning to different people, but we all want the same result, a cure for cancer. We walk, we talk, we cry, we laugh, we learn, we love, and we hope. Today there are nearly 14 million cancer survivors, and with the money raised, the number of survivors will continue to rise (â€Å"What is Relay For Life†). Personally, my family has been involved in American Cancer Society fundraisers for the past several years. Not only has our family been able to raise money for the cancer society, but we have also entered races and walks for the cure. Cancer affects every individual and family in a different way physically and emotionally. Whether you are joining the fight to end cancer for a family member, or a friend everyone has personal reasons for taking action. What we all share is the belief that we can end this terrible disease if we work together. The donations, long-term involvement, and healthy choices of our society, have helped contribute to a 20% drop in death rates from cancer since the early 1990s (McDaniel np). The American Cancer Society is continually working hard to lower the death rate, and while the disease still claims 1,500 lives a day in the United States, change can be made by speaking out (â€Å"Cancer Facts and Figures 2013). Donating, signing up for a local fundraising e vent, helping fund the next research breakthrough, or spreading the word to friends and family are all ways society can join the fight against cancer. The American Cancer Society also helps families by helping them understand and cope with the fact that diseases such as cancer can occur at anytime, and in any age group. Cancer brings families together in though times, and the importance of life is soon realized. The American Cancer Society has helped save these lives and has brought families together and continues to do so today. Cancer does not define us but how we chose to cope with it does. Every one needs to involve as many people as we can to raise money for research and education. There is a passionate aggression in each of us as we are fighting to save more lives. The American Cancer Society would not exist without fundraisers and donations. Advocates are imperative for the support and fundraising of the American Cancer Society. Without it, individuals around the world would continue to get cancer and not know what to do about it. Without the research and effort The American Cancer Society puts in patients would get no where, have a lack of education, not know what to do when they get it, and most importantly never have a cure to cancer. We need the American Cancer Society and they need our support. So let’s finish the fight and  donate today! Works Cited American Cancer Society. American Cancer Society Inc., 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. . Cancer Action Network. American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Inc., 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. . McDaniel, Justine. â€Å"Cancer Society, Researchers Look Back on Decades’ Worth of Progress†¦Ã¢â‚¬  McClatchy Washington DC News Bureau. 07 Oct. 2013: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. Relay for Life. American Cancer Society Inc., 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Analysis McDonald’s Franchise in Viet Nam Essay

McDonalds’s is a business corporation system of fast food restaurants with approximately 31,000 restaurants in 119 countries to serve 43 million passengers a day under its own brand. The McDonalds’s restaurant concept was introduced in San Bernardino, California by Dick and Mac McDonald’s in May 15, 1940. It was modified and expanded by their business partner, Ray Kroc, of Oak Park, Illinois, who later bought out the business interests of the McDonald’s brothers in the concept and went on to found McDonalds’s Corporation in April, 15, 1955. I.2. Mission and Vision Mission McDonalds’s brand mission is to â€Å"be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat.† Our worldwide operations have been aligned around a global strategy called the Plan to Win centering on the five basics of an exceptional customer experience – People, Products, Place, Price. We are committed to improving our operations and enhancing our customers’ experience. Vision â€Å"McDonalds’s vision is to be the world’s best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.† I.3. Business objective The business objective of McDonald’s, which is a fast food restaurant, is to be the world’s best quick service restaurant experience. They also aim at being the best establishment by providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness and value. II. SWOT Analysis II.1. Strengths Strong brand name, image and reputation: McDonalds’s is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 34,000 local restaurants serving nearly 69 million people in 118 countries each day. The McDonalds’s image is easy recognized everywhere. This brand is in top ten of the most powerful brand name in the world. Large market share: McDonald’ss is considered as the largest player in size and global reach. When Wendy’s or Burgers King are losing market share in 2006, McDonald’ss still increases its market share. Market share of McDonald’ss in the recent time is about 19% while Yum! Brands is 9% and both Wendy’s and Burger King is 2% Specialized training for managers: McDonald’ss is very serious on training managers. This company has its own program to train managers the most professionally, which is called Hamburger University. As a result, McDonald’ss has many good managers who can help company development well. Locally adapted food menus: The fast food chain is operating in many diverse cultures where tastes in food are extremely different than those of US or European consumers. Thus ability to adapt to local tastes is one of McDonald’s’s strengths. Partnership with  best brands: McDonalds’s offers only most popular brands in its restaurants, such as: Coca Cola, Dannon Yogurt, Heinz ketchup and others. Technology Innovative: McDonald’s’s is keeping at the forefront of technology around the globe II.2. Weaknesses Unhealthy food: As we know, there are foods in menu of McDonald’s largely formed of unhealthy meals and drinks. Nowadays, people have trend to be take care them health, they tend to be use healthy food. High employee turnover: Although McDonald’s has many good managers as well as skillful employees, the turnover rate is still high. Every year many of their employees are fired out of the restaurants. Moreover, many others quit their jobs, especially part time employees because of low salary as well as too high working pressure. Problem related to health issue: McDonald’s use Trans – fat and beef oil in their food. Although it is not illegal, it affects badly on customer’s health because Trans – fat is causes of some kind of cancer. Consequently, a number of customers who care about their health stop eating at McDonald’s restaurants. It makes revenue of company decrease. Price quiet high: Compare with other traditional fast food in Viet Nam, the McDonald’s product’s price quiet high, it’s not suitable with almost personal’s income in Viet Nam. II.3. Opportunity Growth of the fast food industry: Fast food market in Viet Nam is a potential market. Demand of people is in big cities are increase. In recent years, growth rate of fast food market continue to increase. Diverse tastes and needs of customers: Customer’s tastes now become more diverse. As a result, they require new format of service in order to satisfy them. Changing customer habits and new customer groups: Nowadays, Vietnamese are more adapt with tastes of West. Almost people are trending use fast food by conveniently, especially majority young people in Viet Nam. II.4. Threats High competitive with other brand: McDonald’s will be high competitive with other big brand stay in Viet Nam in long time such as; KFC, Lotteria, Jollibee, Pizza Hurt, Buger King, etc. Differences culture: Differences culture also a threat with McDonald’s when come to Viet Nam. Trend towards healthy eating: Due to government and various organizations attempts to fight obesity, people are becoming more conscious of eating healthy food rather than what McDonalds’s has to offer in its menu. III. Advantage and disadvantage of MacDonald franchise III.1. Advantage First of all, fast food has become part of daily life of young people, because of the speed of urbanization increase rapidly, consumer demand enhances, qualities of life are also stability, and it ensures that piece of fast food market constantly enlarged. Surveyed fast-food industry made ​​by Nielsen Vietnam in 2010 shows that 86% of consumer this product under the ages of 20-35. So as a latecomer, McDonalds’s will also benefit from the achievement that KFC has efforts to build fast food habits for the Vietnamese. McDonalds’s will not meet too many difficulties to complete a supply chain standards system for their restaurant in Vietnam, because the domestic producers now have plenty of experience coordinating with system fast food before. In additions, Food Culture of McDonalds’s has existed in 118 countries around the world so convincing taste of Vietnam is probably not too difficult problem for this giant. About Place, the latecomer these positions favorable are occupied, but beautiful place to McDonalds’s developing restaurant will not too scare if they active spending. Besides that, infrastructure in Viet Nam are developing, system buildings, supermarkets and modern commercial centers are rising steadily, and trend urbanization has created more beautiful space for fast food chain in Vietnam. GDP per capita is currently at 1,500 USD / year is low compared with the other area, but look at GDP per capita in two biggest cities Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City higher than the national average pretty much (2012, Ha Noi at around $2,200 /person is Ho Chi Minh City is $3,600 / person). This income is sufficient to will sufficient to consumer willing spend from 4 – 6 dollars for a meal. Certainly two locations will be first place McDonalds’s open restaurant. Although McDonald’s is a latecomer but not likely other fast food brand, McDonald’s has special advantage of their own. That is the advantage of who hold the number one position fast food in the world. III.2. Disadvantage Besides there are advantages, McDonald’s have disadvantage when come to Viet Nam, they will fail if they do not understand Vietnam. First off all, the difference culture, culture of Vietnamese cuisine is rich and varied, taste of East difference taste of West. Thus, McDonald’s should consider this problem when offer food on menu. In addition, strengths of McDonald’s in the U.S. market are breakfast (accounting for one quarter of total revenue) is not applicable in Vietnam. Because the habit of Vietnamese considered breakfast is snacks. McDonald’s will be face fierce competition with other brand such as KFC, Lotteria, Jollibee, and these competitors has existent more than 15 years and has significant market share of the fast food market. One thing important franchisee of McDonald’s in Viet Nam will face that is place rental costs are very expensive. One the other hand, there are conveniently local are occupied by other brand. Thus, franchisee in Viet Nam will effort find out local put McDonald’s restaurant. The problem about price also an obstacle with McDonald’s, compare with other country Viet Nam’s GDP per capita is still low. Thus, fats food brands are still being compete on price. Thus McDonald’s should consider this problem if they want to competitive with other brands. IV. Investment decision Consider all aspects of McDonald’s franchise in Viet Nam, I see that although a latecomer they have some difficult and challenge but fast food market is still potential. McDonald’s has competitive advantages compare with other brands, especially with the position of World No. 1, McDonald’s already challenge with any competitors on fast food market in Viet Nam. If I have a chance I will investment franchise McDonald’s brand in Viet Nam. V. Summary Viet Nam is the next destination when McDonald’s has officially announced they will open their first store in Viet Nam at beginning 2014 year. This is good news because when fast food tycoon comes to Viet Nam, fast food market will compete more fierce and meanwhile the biggest beneficiaries none other than will be the consumer. Because of the presence of McDonald’s will make all other fast food chain must work harder if they do not want to be ‘swallowed’ market share. VI. References list Jerome Katz / Richard Green, Entrepreneurial Small Business – 4th Edition,Graw-Hill International Edition. Essentials of Services Marketing – 2nd Edition, Vochen Wirtz, Patricia Chew, Christopher Lovelock. Principle of marketing – fourteenth edition- Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong